> WILTON wrote:

> Much more typical, en route cruise for a B-52 is at 35 or 37
> kft (easily go much higher); IAS 238 kts, MACH .77, 444 kts
> TAS; combat cruise at 250 kts IAS, mach .82, 470 kts TAS.
> Easily go significant faster.  I've seldom known a B-52 to
> stay at 25 kft long.

> Cruising at 25,000ft, temp ~ -50C; 305kts IAS/CAS,
> MACH .77; 444 kts TAS

Thanks Wilton!  As I suspected, FlightGear isn't totally
accurate.  Oh well. It's kinda fun anyway.  I have loaded
numerous planes - from F14, to B-52, to Sopwith Camel - even a
paper airplane!

--    Philip

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