Pay a shyster to get you off. It may cost a little more than the ticket, but less than the total costs. Other costs are higher insurance, higher interest and potentially not getting a better job and such. Anything where they pull your records to check is a potential cost.

Besides, they count on everyone rolling over. The least you can do is cost the buzzards more than they stand to gain. In some jurisdictions, you can go in and plead not guilty, and often they will drop the case before you even plead. Going in and pleading guilty and asking for a court date can be done without a shyster in some courts. Find out how its done in offending jurisdiction.

DIY strategies are challenging the calibration (technical and you need tons of info), challenging chain of custody (technical and you need tons of info) or going to kangaroo court with a hired court recorder, and then appeal on a technicality (you need a shyster for the appeal) The last gets expensive. It is often cheaper to hire a shyster to make it go away. If you try a DIY approach, go to the court a week or 3 before the scheduled appearance and observe. If you see them sending someone around to bargain or dismiss, try talking to that agent and see if they can explain procedures and why they might dismiss. If you get a friendly reception, you might ask if they might dismiss if they know you will cost the court more in expenses than they stand to gain. State you have a great case against them and your attorney intends to cost them significantly more than the gain.

My son got a ticket claiming he was going 85 in a 66 200D!   I don't think so

I got pulled over this afternoon on the Maine Turnpike. Trooper claimed that I was doing 78mph. I don't agree but my speedo doesn't work. When I'm doing 78 mph, I:
1) realize that I'm speeding.
2) am intentionally trying to push my car to its limit.

Neither condition was met. I told the trooper that 78 was pushing the top speed limit of my car and that I didn't believe that was the case. I asked him to show me the radar reading but he rudely insisted that the machine could not lock in the speed. Don't they have to be able to produce evidence such as a radar reading? Is this worth appealing?

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