easy as a lot of people thought....

Or people gave up because "pedagogical skills" are usually code for a bunch
of politically correct pseudo-scientific hooey.

Around here the M.S. in education required to teach in the public schools
is regarded universally as a joke degree to be gotten through as quickly as


Alex nailed it. Not only is the masters of Ed or the Ed D, for that matter, exactly what Alex said, but so is the BS/BA of educ. A bunch
of politically correct pseudo-scientific hooey.

I had a lot of classes in grad school with people getting a Ph[u]D to become district superintendents. Some were abysmally stupid, most were mediocre. There were a few who were as good as the run of the mill grad students in other disciplines. I felt sorry for the statistics prof who tried to teach these groups. I took a stat course with Family and Consumer Science (formerly home ec) and Human Nutrition grad students (and FCS Prof) and the difference was amazing. I asked the FCS Prof to be on my committe, she was so good. This FCS group was very similar to the the stat grad students in the class I took in the Stat department with a Stat Prof.


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