Speaking of Planned Parenthood (a misnomer if ever there was one) the organization that worked hand-in hand with PP was NARAL (something about Rational Abortion Laws)which was headed by Dr Bernard Natheson who worked to give the medical doctors side of the argument, said 10,000 women were dying every year from botched "back alley" abortions. Later when he realized the damage being done he had a change of heart and began to speak out against the use of widespread abortion. When asked about the 10,000 figure he used he said they just pulled a number out of the air that they thought would get the publics and politicians attention.

The pro-abortion community like to call it a pro-choice issue but they don't consider all the other choices a women might make about her body to be pro-choice. Things like prostitution and the sale of body parts are never considered as being a "pro-choice' issue. (I'm not coming down in favor or against either of these - they're just examples). By using modern marketing techniques, these organizations successfully changed the argument from "killing babies" to who makes a choice.

There's an excellent book called "The Marketing of Evil" which tells how modern marketing techniques were (are) used to change the debate on everything from gay rights to abortion rights to selling sex to children to the hijacking of our education system. If you get a chance to read it, the description of what actually happens during an abortion will turn your stomach. I had to skip over some of that. But for learning what happened it's excellent. Many will not want to believe they were manipulated by the use of marketing techniques but the proof is there.


On 1/20/2014 12:01 AM, Craig wrote:
On Sun, 19 Jan 2014 13:56:08 -0800 (PST) Curt Raymond
<curtlud...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Ahh, I have severe doubts about this one. Sure self regenerating cells
but they're completely dependent upon the host. By this logic killing
anything is murder.
Yes, calling them "self-regenerating cells" is a logical mis-step and
leads to incorrect conclusions.

The truth is that a male human has 46 chromosomes in all of his cells,
except for sperm, which have 23. A female human has 46 chromosomes in all
of her cells except for ovum, which have 23. When a sperm and an ovum
unite, the combination again has 46 chromosomes and is a proper human
cell capable of dividing and continuing life. Note, however, that since it
got half of its chromosomes from its father and half of its chromosomes
from its mother, it is a TOTALLY NEW HUMAN.

Yes, a human embryo, the initial stages of a human life, is dependent upon
its mother for protection and nurishment. The mother's womb is designed to
provide the proper environment for a developing baby to live. It's not
unlike someone in a coma who is dependent upon a hospital and its
machines and supplies for a proper environment to live.

You are right, though, that unlawful taking of human life is murder.
The lawful taking of human life includes self-defense. NOTE: This is not
limited to firearms as mentioned in other threads, but also in the case
of where a pregnant woman's life is in danger. (Note: LIFE not HEALTH,
which poor Supreme Court decisions have conflated with anything a woman
and her doctor might consider to cause her mental anguish.) Terminating
an ectopic pregnancy where the embryo attached to fallopian tubes does
endanger a woman's life, for example, does meet the criterion.

Have you read "Freakonomics"? I recommend it heartily, holds no
political platform either way and draws interesting conclusions
including: Abortion drives DOWN crime.

I find that one fascinating, they do a lot of diligence on these, they
try to correct for every possible factor in the data. They've even
found in places where abortions are more difficult to get crime rates
rise. Its simple, babies born to parents who don't want them tend to
become criminals...
This is symptomatic of the general decline and degredation of our
society, particularly in the black community. Margaret Sanger, the
founder of Planned Parenthood, openly planned to target black
communities for ethnic cleansing (there is another term for it, but I
cannot think of it right now). Planned Parenthood and "The War on
Poverty" have had a disastrous effect on the black community. In Martin
Luther King, Jr.'s time, blacks were very religious. He, afterall, was a
pastor. The communists tried to inflitrate his group and could not
because they were so dedicated to Christianity and the truly righteous
way of doing things.

In the years since "The War on Poverty" started [hundreds of billions, if
not trillions, of dollars have been spent on fighting poverty -- poverty
won] and the State stepped in to usurp the place of the Church, black
husbands have been driven from their homes and black children have been
left fatherless, with black "welfare queens" being the most conspicuous
result, who are paid to keep producing children without resident fathers
and husbands. This has fractured the black family and the black community
and has damaged the black church.

This is not how it should be, committing one crime, murdering children,
to keep other crimes down.

Enough for now. I need to let my blood pressure come back down.

BTW, if you want to hear about MLK, Jr. as a pastor, go to
http://www.blubrry.com/thepublicsquare60/ and listen to the program for
17 January, the most recent at this point in time.



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