Just a further thought.

Someone do the math on this please.  Presumed living population of USA via
last census is 312 million... reported abortions post Rowe v Wade is 58

What, in real percentage, does that represent to the population?
To the work force?
To the number of males v female breeding pool?
etc etc etc.

It would be of interest to see those numbers, based on solid research, not
emotional sound bites, just once.
Anyone here enough of a research driven, number cruncher, scientist to dig
those out?

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 8:22 AM, G Mann <g2ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well said, thank you.
> Following that same line of fact based logic. The host organism for the
> new life, in this case the woman's womb, supplys both food and safe
> environment for this new life to develop.  Following that line of thought,
> post birth, this same new life requires both food and safe environment
> supplied by same mother [and father] for a number of years before that new
> life is self supporting and self sustaining [ever feed a teen age kid ? ]
> Logic, based on fact, would ask the question: What would our present
> society do to that same mother [and father] if they fail to provide life
> necessary elements to that same child post birth?  What penalty is then
> imposed, one minute post birth, if the mother, or any other live person,
> terminates that new life?
> Then comes the question.  Which of the 58,000,000 abortions since Rowe v
> Wade failed that same test?
> Then comes the question: If those same 58,000,000 individuals were now
> working taxpayers, what impact would that have on the Social Security Trust
> Fund ?  Would their incomes and payments support the crushing national
> debt? Pay for social programs? Contribute to the production of goods and
> services to society?
> All questions that require fact, thought, and logic to extrapolate. All
> issues that are not brought to the discussion in the 5 second sound bite of
> "Womans Rights".  Are we really an evolved civilization that somehow
> justifies the wholesale death of 58,000,000 of our children, pre-birth?
> Respectfully...
> Grant...
> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 10:01 PM, Craig <diese...@pisquared.net> wrote:
>> On Sun, 19 Jan 2014 13:56:08 -0800 (PST) Curt Raymond
>> <curtlud...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> > Ahh, I have severe doubts about this one. Sure self regenerating cells
>> > but they're completely dependent upon the host. By this logic killing
>> > anything is murder.
>> Yes, calling them "self-regenerating cells" is a logical mis-step and
>> leads to incorrect conclusions.
>> The truth is that a male human has 46 chromosomes in all of his cells,
>> except for sperm, which have 23. A female human has 46 chromosomes in all
>> of her cells except for ovum, which have 23. When a sperm and an ovum
>> unite, the combination again has 46 chromosomes and is a proper human
>> cell capable of dividing and continuing life. Note, however, that since it
>> got half of its chromosomes from its father and half of its chromosomes
>> from its mother, it is a TOTALLY NEW HUMAN.
>> Yes, a human embryo, the initial stages of a human life, is dependent upon
>> its mother for protection and nurishment. The mother's womb is designed to
>> provide the proper environment for a developing baby to live. It's not
>> unlike someone in a coma who is dependent upon a hospital and its
>> machines and supplies for a proper environment to live.
>> You are right, though, that unlawful taking of human life is murder.
>> The lawful taking of human life includes self-defense. NOTE: This is not
>> limited to firearms as mentioned in other threads, but also in the case
>> of where a pregnant woman's life is in danger. (Note: LIFE not HEALTH,
>> which poor Supreme Court decisions have conflated with anything a woman
>> and her doctor might consider to cause her mental anguish.) Terminating
>> an ectopic pregnancy where the embryo attached to fallopian tubes does
>> endanger a woman's life, for example, does meet the criterion.
>> > Have you read "Freakonomics"? I recommend it heartily, holds no
>> > political platform either way and draws interesting conclusions
>> > including: Abortion drives DOWN crime.
>> >
>> >
>> > I find that one fascinating, they do a lot of diligence on these, they
>> > try to correct for every possible factor in the data. They've even
>> > found in places where abortions are more difficult to get crime rates
>> > rise. Its simple, babies born to parents who don't want them tend to
>> > become criminals...
>> This is symptomatic of the general decline and degredation of our
>> society, particularly in the black community. Margaret Sanger, the
>> founder of Planned Parenthood, openly planned to target black
>> communities for ethnic cleansing (there is another term for it, but I
>> cannot think of it right now). Planned Parenthood and "The War on
>> Poverty" have had a disastrous effect on the black community. In Martin
>> Luther King, Jr.'s time, blacks were very religious. He, afterall, was a
>> pastor. The communists tried to inflitrate his group and could not
>> because they were so dedicated to Christianity and the truly righteous
>> way of doing things.
>> In the years since "The War on Poverty" started [hundreds of billions, if
>> not trillions, of dollars have been spent on fighting poverty -- poverty
>> won] and the State stepped in to usurp the place of the Church, black
>> husbands have been driven from their homes and black children have been
>> left fatherless, with black "welfare queens" being the most conspicuous
>> result, who are paid to keep producing children without resident fathers
>> and husbands. This has fractured the black family and the black community
>> and has damaged the black church.
>> This is not how it should be, committing one crime, murdering children,
>> to keep other crimes down.
>> Enough for now. I need to let my blood pressure come back down.
>> BTW, if you want to hear about MLK, Jr. as a pastor, go to
>> http://www.blubrry.com/thepublicsquare60/ and listen to the program for
>> 17 January, the most recent at this point in time.
>> Craig
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