On 26/03/2014 11:36 AM, arche...@embarqmail.com wrote:
That's probably because you are a lawyer and Dan is a teacher. Both of you are trained to remain civil even when you are dealing with someone who is obviously and persistently wrong

Personally, I think a lot of Americas troubles are due to having nearly all lawyers running the government. We ought to put a limit on the number of lawyers running things in Washington and go back to our early beginnings where duels were still a way of settling disagreements; mainly because there were not as many lawyers. Consider Rob Ford, your most famous and effective politician, Randy. Would he be as effective if he were a lawyer? Fortunately for Toronto he didn't go to law school. It wouldn't surprise me to see him become prime minister some day. [:o)

Well, I am not a very typical lawyer when it comes right down to it.

I guess I am getting old, but I cannot help but think that things were better in the past and in Canada, at least, there were more lawyers in government in the past than there are now. Today we seem to be willing to elect or appoint media people just because they have become familiar faces. Not a good thing in my book. Look up Patrick Duffy and Pamela Wallen for example, or check out a couple of our recent Governor Generals who thought they had been appointed Queen. Ugh!

I don't know what to say about Rob Ford. he is an obvious embarrassment to us all. Those of us who do not live in Toronto think to some extent that Toronto deserves him. What more can I say?
God help us if he becomes PM.

I guess I have to say the same about Trudeau JR. What an oddball. Probably a nice enough fellow but there does not appear to be the depth that should be there.

Many do not like our current PM but I think Harper is a good fellow and doing fine in a tough and thankless job.

Lots of interesting folks at the provincial level too. In Manitoba, our socialist leaning Premier, Selinger, is doing his best to bankrupt us.
In Alberta, the Premier just resigned because she pi**ed off her own party.
I think similar just happened in NFLD.
Ontario has some oddball woman who is doing her best to make matters worse than they already are. Quebec has Marois who wants to abolish anything English and the word "Canada" but wants us to keep sending the cash etc.

Saskatchewan, which used to be considered something of a hole between Ontario and BC is now booming and doing very well. Low taxes, lots of jobs etc. Who knew that would ever happen???

It has become a strange world.



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