So that is why I think about "modernizing" an old car with new bits. What current vehicle would have a similar wheelbase and track and such, so that one could drop in a new engine/tranny/diff and set up the suspension? I would assume for a 123, that would be a C or E class. Would be considerable metal work involved, but the hot rodders do that all the time with old bodies on new frames and such (I know, unibody, but still...). And you would have the electronic engine/tranny controls, maybe some suspension stuff. But even the 123 suspensions are quite capable, so maybe just engine/tranny?

I was watching Top Gear on Netflix (I think this is where I saw it) and some outfit in California had basically built a new custom 1980some Porsche using new bits. Looked like an old one but was moderne. Of course it was quite pricey, but still doable.


On 5/12/14 2:18 PM, Gary Hurst wrote:
which is why i hope they return to keeping it simple and shun all the tech
wizardry for some models.  maybe a modern 240D, only at 3 times the power.


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