Thanks for that Grant. Do you think (or have heard anything) the Federal Reserve will be chartered for another 100 years and are the politicians pushing for a audit? For an organization to control so much of what is spent and by whom, it is atrocious that there has only been 1 half hearted effort to do a audit on the Fed's activities!


On 6/6/2014 10:47 AM, G Mann wrote:
Great questions.

Not so great answers.

Under Basal III agreement [by all the controlling bankers] there is to be a
Global Currency Reset this summer. 198 of the 204 currencies of the world
are to be revalued with each currency backed by "asset" rather than "fiat"
[current federal reserve "dollars" are "fiat currency" backed the the paper
it's printed on and "full faith and credit of the USA" [which has been now
downgraded twice under current administration]. This has now started, but
far from completion.

BRIC is making a strong play to become the world reserve currency, and the
US Dollar as the petro dollar is fading fast. [to buy oil, you must pay in
USD, which means you take your Yuan, buy dollars [at exchange rate of the
day] then pay Russia, or Saudi, or Iran, or whoever has oil, in USD.. The
world isn't happy with that arrangement presently.

The FRN [Federal Reserve Note, fiat currency "dollar"] is now being phased
out and replaced with TRN [Treasury Reserve Note] which is "asset backed"
as required by Basal III agreement.  As of 2013 the 100 year charter of the
"Federal Reserve" [a private corporation, not federal, not a reserve] is
finished [1913 federal reserve act, google it, read it].

The value of your savings and FRN dollars you hold will be "reset" sometime
during this GCR.  Early scuttlebutt said FRN's would be valued at 50% of
face value.. later scuttlebutt says no, it will be held at higher value....
above my pay grade in any case.. it is and will be a closely held and
guarded secret until "released" to keep currency traders in check.

The good news is: Through it all, my Mercedes continue to function as built
and I expect to continue to afford to buy parts for them as needed.



On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 7:26 AM, Mitch Haley <> wrote: wrote:

  Domestically you may be right, but I am looking at Americas position
among the nations of the world.
All nations eventually decline.  The problem is that we have no way of
knowing when our nation will do so.  Looking at the data link on my email
to Scott:

It may be difficult to impossible to predict, but now that it's happening,
it's easy enough to see.

Remember when the British Pound was the world's reserve currency?
(well, I doubt anybody alive has a personal memory, but you know what I
That was when jolly old England was the predominate world power.

Remember when the US Dollar was the world's reserve currency?
That was before about 2008.
The transition isn't complete because we don't have a replacement world
monetary standard yet. Will it be the Yuan, the Euro, or maybe we'll have
different commodities priced in different dominate currencies?



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