Years ago I read a report on Navy bureaucracy that described the same problems being discussed here. The conclusion was that not much could be done about the bureaucracy but that the Navies ships and crews were not affected and remained a potent fighting force.

The report was written in the 19th century about the British Navy.

The conclusion was that as long as bureaucracies are staffed by human beings they will forever be inefficient but the organizations they direct can still function satisfactorily.

I wonder if we could say the same thing about the Washington bureaucracy and the nation it directs? If you look at Americas position among the nations of the world, I don't think you can say the U.S. is unsuccessful.


On 6/4/2014 2:30 PM, Randy Bennell wrote:
On 04/06/2014 10:51 AM, G Mann wrote:
I formulated some time ago that I work by the job for profit... all
government workers work for retirement.  Any act that can delay their
actual work, or production of work, at minimum effort, moves them further toward their goal of retirement at full pension benefits. The only caveat to that effort is the question: "If I do this, will it bring promotion to a
higher pay thus greater retirement income."

In the alternative the question: " If I do this, will it attract negative attention to me, and if it does, how will I cover my now exposed ass so it
does not hold back promotion and retirement."

This "federal culture mindset" permeates every government agency and ,
history indicates, can not be overcome by peaceful means.​

And, you need to get promoted high enough that you don't actually do anything. Your job is to "supervise" people who are supposed to do the work. Since no one expects much and those above you are trusting that you are doing your job and don't bother to check, all is well.
It also helps if you get promoted high enough to have a private office.
A friend who once worked for the feds said that his boss sat in his private office and ran a chain of Chinese restaurants via his cell phone.


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