I am not particularly a Trumpster but will watch what happens with a detached interest. I do find it somewhat intriguing.

One thing that seems will be different, even with pissing off the congresscritters, is that he is a wheeler dealer (apparently). I never saw BHO as much of a politician, engaging with other pols in Congress unless they were just ideological partners on stuff that would have been done whether he was engaged or not. Seemed like he basically outsourced whatever to the Ds in Congress, and where stuff was too hard to work politically he relied on EOs. Never did much of anything to work the R Congress to get things done. He seemed to spend a lot of time whining about stuff rather than dealing with it. Clinton and Reagan were politicians, worked all sides and got stuff accomplished, for better or worse. Bushes maybe to some extent. So it will be interesting to see him applying the New York real estate/casino developer mode to these guys. My sense is he will shake things up severely trying to buck the entrenched interests, but if he uses the BHO "pen" to get some stuff done that will wake them up. And if they want to do stuff they will need DT to approve it. And I bet he has some vocal popular support for it all, along with some extremely vocal and active opposition, that will egg him on. It is going to be interesting.

I have noticed Chucky Shumer howling in outrage lately, I guess we will have to listen to 4 years of that grating whining from him and Nancy P too. Turnabout is gonna be a b*tch. They need to rehabilitate Anthony "Little" Weiner and that will make a 3fer.

NPR have been having fits for the last 2 months, they are in full meltdown today. The PBS "news" shows tonight will be draped in black and there will be a lot of Weighty Intoning from Learned Commentators. Half of it will likely be an Obama retrospective and coverage of their departure and new vacation, along with grief counseling.

"May you live in interesting times"


On 1/20/17 1:16 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
Which won't be much different than the last 4 years but at least it'll be for 
different reasons...

       From: Rick Knoble via Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com>
  To: Dimitri via Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com>
Cc: Rick Knoble <rickkno...@hotmail.com>
  Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 1:14 PM
  Subject: Re: [MBZ] Hip Hip Hooray!
Dimitri sez:

‎My honest prediction is that he will be >the best president this country has seen 
>in many many years. He is a go-getter >and knows how to get things done.
His biggest obstacle will be the Congress of "No".


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“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or 
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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