On Mar 24, 2006, at 10:05 AM, Jim Cathey wrote:

How's the odometer?  Every time I've called our local speedo shop
the _first_ thing they say to check is the odometer.


  Does it track
the mile markers?  If not, you've got a gearing problem.

        This I'm aware of

If it
tracks, then you have a calibration problem within the speedometer
itself.  25% is a lot to be off via a gear.

25% is a lot to be off expecting calibration to remedy. I need the info requested to make an educated guess. If in fact there is a difference in rotating speed of the magnet between Euro and US all the recalibration in the world would not solve the problem. I'll be replacing the odometer gear next week after pulling my IC and counting teeth as per odometergears.com's suggestion. I can however see how not turning the odometer could create less friction allowing the speedo to read high as mine does.
        I'm sure I'll get to the bottom of this.

-- Jim

Johnny B.
I Mac Therefore I am

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