Sadly Larry, it's worse.

The company I work as contract for is now back to "lean manufacturing" (aka cut costs any way you can, reguardless of the results) from Six Sigma. Neither system will do anything but fix operations that actually MAKE something (plastic, ball bearings, fittings, parts, etc.). NONE of the statistical process control tools have any other applications, and I've yet to see them applied to anything but people's behavior, the one thing that statistical process control tools will not ever help with.

The old "MBA" was intended for management tool training for well experienced people as they moved beyond the immediate job supervision point, and in the "old days" if you didn't have 10 years of low level supervisory or direct manufacturing experience, you could not get into the program. Today, it's all about three piece suit and pseudo-statistical mumbo-jumbo with some odd ends of statistics tossed in (and yes, so far as I know, all the "business cases" are still made up). My brother took a manufacturing management course a few years back as part of his associates in manufacturing engineering, and they were having the students average the time it took for machine tools to perform sequential operations in order to find the "mean" process time. Utter and complete bafflegab, the mean time is the process that takes the longest, as it won't change. Complete disassociation of statistical math from statistical theory......

The current MBA isn't worth the paper it's printed on, if you ask me. There doesn't seem to be any requirement that the recipients of said degree APPLY any of the stuff I know is in the textbooks!

Or as my sister says these days, "human nature, what are you going to do?"

Makes me so mad I could spit -- I've given up trying to explain anything to my current boss, she just turns to the high school graduate and asks him and blows me off.


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