Hi Bjarne,

You will need to port Mifos X for other databases – Oracle or any other 
database – other than MySQL. I am not expecting Mifos to run without any 
changes on Oracle, however, I do not expect the changes to be high either. One 
of the technical guys can correct me if I am way off mark on this.

Card handling is not there in Mifos X.

Savings functionality is present in Mifos. Interest schemes, with periodic 
interest posting, withdrawals, deposits, with fees and the related accounting 
aspects have all been implemented in Mifos X. Is there any specific feature 
that you are looking for beyond these?

Yes, accounting is separate from loans and savings. Products definitions 
include a section whereby various ledger accounts are associated to product 
transactions (like disbursements, repaymen rts, withdrawals, deposits, fees 

Hi Satriadi,

You are right if you are referring to Mifo 2.x. It tightly incorporates the 
Grameen microfinance methodology. However, Mifos X can work well for a 
financial institution which does not follow group lending methodologies. The 
goal of Mifos X is to support financial institutions that may or may not follow 
group lending methodologies. BTW, Mifos X has been rebuilt from ground up so 
that ground lending/savings and general financial functions are cleanly 
separated out.

Thanks and Regards
Binny Gopinath Sreevas

+91-98861 39498
Skype: binny.gopinath

From: Bjarne Henriksen [mailto:bjarne.henrik...@gmail.com]
Sent: 06 January 2014 16:25
To: mifosus...@googlegroups.com
Cc: A good place to start for users or folks new to Mifos.
Subject: Re: [Mifos-users] Is this possible with mifos?

Hi again:)

After having looked a little bit more Mifos I have a few extra questions.

I can see you are using Mysql. How tightly coupled are you to this? Would it be 
possible to run on another db, for example Oracle, knowing it would require a 
few datatype changes in DDL?

I cannot find anything regarding card handling, so I assume that as something 
we would have to implement?

Savings accounts are in beta as I understand it. How far off is it from being 

In your package structure, loan- and savings accounts/transactions are 
separated. I'm thinking accounts/transactions are generic and then defined by 
the products attached to them?


Den mandag den 6. januar 2014 03.42.23 UTC+1 skrev Satriadi:

Dear bjarne,

If I’m not mistaken, mifos is designed for grameen replicator.

So as long as your company using grameen method as your business process, you 
may only need a bit adjustment.

Best Regards,


IT BA Microfinance

BTPN Syariah



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From: Bjarne Henriksen [mailto:bjarne.h...@gmail.com <javascript:> ]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 9:17 PM
To: mifos...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
Subject: [Mifos-users] Is this possible with mifos?


We're a smaller company providing transaction-handling on pre-paid/gift-cards 
as well as revolving credit-cards for chains and shopping centers. At the 
moment we're running on a 3rd party banking product, but we'd like to replace 
it with something where we have more control over the development.

Would it be possible to use Mifos for this:

Is it possible to have multiple institutions in the same database-schema, all 
using same currency?
The bulk of our cards are anonymous gift-cards, is that a problem in terms of 
having a minimum of registration for each card?
The system should be able to handle both single- and dual message transactions.

I know it will require some adjustments for us, but if the basics are ok, we've 
come a long way:)

Do you think it's possible or am I stretching it a bit?

Best regards


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