On 2012-02-19 22.33, Johan Beisser wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Marcos Ariel Laufer
> <mar...@ipversion4.com> wrote:
>> What newer smartphones do you recommend for using also as a tool for
>> managing OpenBSD servers (maybe windogs too) ? What experiences had you had
>> with smartphones and OpenBSD managing?
> Phone form-factor is a major issue you should consider. I know a few
> people who regularly use their phones for SSH, and are unwilling to up
> a physical keyboard. Slider and flip configurations permit you to use
> most of the screen real estate for your session, but the overall
> market is moving toward the touchscreen candybar configuration.
> Because of this, the SSH client has to be able to either 'shadow' the
> keyboard, allowing you to look through it, or permit you to hide the
> keyboard and read scrollback easily.
> As far as what's superior? None of them are really any better than the
> others. What works for you will matter more. Most modern smartphones
> are roughly the same, just with a different level of hype or features
> people want.*
> - jb
> * although, I'll be damned if I could find a GSM/LTE, CDMA and wifi
> capable Android phone with a physical keyboard that didn't utterly
> suck. I settled on an iPhone 4s, with a decent SSH client.

I'm also using an iPhone 4S and have tried a couple of ssh clients:

* SSH2GO is basically crap. Crashes on connect to some servers, works
decently with others but random crashes are to be expected, whenever
you need them the least (which is always).

* Prompt from Panic, Inc is really good on the other hand. Works well,
seems stable, has good emulation, is mostly intuitive to use and has
sane defaults. Works even better on an iPad, of course.

But the best part is, I also bought a small, portable Bluetooth
keyboard, similar in size to the 4S. Bought it on a whim, but it
turned out to be an excellent piece of hardware:


(Though mine's got swedish layout.)

Works perfectly with the iPhone out of the box, and changes the task
of running an ssh client from only-in-absolute-emergencies to being
almost a pleasure. It's always in the inner pocket of my jacket now,
just in case.

The keyboard makes all the difference, and I now rarely feel the need
to carry a laptop when I'm away from the office, because I can always
get to - and use - a shell from anywhere. When the phone detects that
I've turned on the keyboard, it automatically removes the screen
keyboard, and the resulting screen real estate becomes fairly decent
(in landscape mode).

Unfortunately that particular model keyboard is said not to work with
Android, at least without 3rd party drivers. Can't comment on that
though, since I don't have access to any Android devices.


internetlabbet.se     / work:   +46 8 551 124 80      / "Words must
Benny Lofgren        /  mobile: +46 70 718 11 90     /   be weighed,
                    /   fax:    +46 8 551 124 89    /    not counted."
                   /    email:  benny -at- internetlabbet.se

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