Nokia 5230 Software 51.0.002

SSH client: PuTTY for Symbian OS

no fun but works. Mode: Input a line, send. 

bye, Marcus (Hugo Osvaldo Barrera), 2012.02.20 (Mon) 06:00 (CET):
> On 2012-02-18 20:06, Marcos Ariel Laufer wrote:
> > Hello list,
> > This might not be OpenBSD specific, but maybe users can share their
> > experiences with smartphones an managing OpenBSD servers.
> > So far, my smartphone has been a very usefull tool to manage my OpenBSD
> > servers. Currently i am using a Palm Treo 680 with some lousy ssh
> > application to access my servers, it is usefull, but this is getting
> > pretty ancient, doesn't have wifi for exaple, and i would like that
> > feature on a smartphone. I also love the touch screen.
> > What newer smartphones do you recommend for using also as a tool for
> > managing OpenBSD servers (maybe windogs too) ? What experiences had you
> > had with smartphones and OpenBSD managing?
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Marcos
> > 
> I use a Nokia N900 for this. It's a real GNU/Linux, so you you get ssh
> out-of-the-box, and there's other stuff you might occasionally use (like
> rsync).
> It also has a pretty good hardware keyboard, which I feel is a must in
> order to use ssh comfortably, and makes the real difference.
> I log into OpenBSD servers on a daily basis (well, just two servers
> actually), and it's pretty good.
> -- 
> Hugo Osvaldo Barrera

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