On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 12:44:15AM +0000, Kaya Saman wrote:
> >>
> >>my issue was how to get the Ntop config script to understand that
> >>automake and autoconf **are** installed on the system!!!
> >>
> >>Luckily a friendly person did explain that I should first **export** the
> >>versions then run the config gen script which indeed worked!!!

This is very very basic Unix knowledge.

> >>However, please note that am still learning OpenBSD after coming over
> >>from Linux and FreeBSD and additionally I am NOT a programmer or even
> >>good at programming!!!!

You're not very good at system admin either.

> >One exclamation point is enough.
> >>Using FreeBSD I would just do this:
> >>
> >>cd /usr/ports/*/ntop
> >>make install clean
> >>
> >>and providing my **ports** tree is uptodate it will work flawlessly.
> >>Additionally on Linux for RPM based would be yum install ntop or DEB
> >>based would be apt-get install ntop

This does work under OpenBSD too. Especially, as henning pointed out,
we have working packages, so pkg_add ntop will work.

If you want a newer version, the first thing to do, especially when you're
a complete noob with respect to ports, is to ask if someone else is working
on them.

> >>Now I do know these without even needing to read the documentation...
> >>however even **IF** I tried to compile on one of those platforms which I
> >>do all the time.... I never need to adjust system variables or tell the
> >>configure script what compiler or other I'm using as it is intelligent
> >>enough to autodetect it.
> >>
> >The configure script is not part of the operating system, it is part of the 
> >package/tarball, if you're using something that needs automake/autoconf 
> >you're probably checking out development versions of software and then 
> >complaining to the OS developers who have nothing to do with it.

Also, we're Unix. Not Linux. There's a fairly big separation between the
base system AND the ports.

autoconf is a gnu tool, and a very flawed one
at that. Which explains why you might need to install  several ones

There are sign posts THAT BIG  all over the place that explain how the
autoconf/automake/metaauto packages tie together.

> >>I understand OpenBSD is different and I'm trying to get used to it but
> >>please cut new users some slack as not everyone is God's gift to
> >>computing....... {I don't say this as an attack or with any bad
> >>intentions just frustration at how unforgiving this list is sometimes}

The more you rant, the more you will get flamed, it's as simple as that.

> .....actually this list may become really quiet then??? As in all of
> my 1 week being here not much help goes on just arguments and
> flames.

So what ?  you got all the help you needed with respect to your original
question, for crying out loud !   It's likely the initial messages were
not to your liking, but guess what ? it's your fault ! nobody here is
going to figure out that someone clueless enough about Unix to not know 
about environment variables is going to embark on compiling a very
system-dependent tool on his own !!!

So, hey, you want to be liked on this list ? don't get so defensive at
the first hint that you're a complete newbie. Shove the angst, feel the

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