Thanks for the pointers SEbastian :)
I tried creating an xsession or .xsession file with those contents but they
didn't work. Following your example, what I did instead was to create on
the home dir the file .xinitrc with the following content:
wmaker &

This enabled me to run X with the WindowMaker and automatically starting
GWorkspace, with the effect that exits X11 when I Quit GWorkspace. Thank
you very much. Now my next task is to run the installed apps when I ran the
pkg_add gnustep-desktop

Maybe you can further advise me on this. I'm very grateful. Thank you very

On Sat, May 18, 2013 at 11:15 PM, Sebastian Reitenbach <> wrote:

>  Hi,
> On Saturday, May 18, 2013 16:32 CEST, Tito Mari Francis Escaño <
>> wrote:
> > Good day,
> > I tried to install OpenBSD 5.3 64-bit on VMware Workstation 9.x and so
> far
> > it's working like a charm.
> > I next tried to install WindowMaker, to override the default twm, I
> created
> > an .xinitrc file on home directory with just one entry: wmaker. When I
> > typed startx, as expected, the X window manager is WindowMaker.
> > I then installed GWorkspace, and to run it, I have to type in the xterm
> > window: GWorkspace.
> > I read the man page on startx, I tried to follow the example of
> > /etc/X11/init/xinitrc where it ran "fcwm || xterm" to run xterm after the
> > default WM started, by creating an <home dir>/.xinitrc with "wmaker ||
> > GWorkspace" but it doesn't seem to work.
> > Can somebody please give me pointers how I can run GWorkspace
> automatically
> > when I start X with WindowMaker as WM?
> > Thank you very much.
> >
> just install the gnustep-desktop meta package:
> sudo pkg_add -i gnustep-desktop
> then, I have this in my .xsession file in order to start windowmaker and
> GWorkspace:
> if [ -f /usr/local/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/ ];then
>         . /usr/local/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/
> fi
> export LC_ALL='en_EN.UTF-8'
> export LC_CTYPE='en_US.UTF-8'
> if [ -x /usr/local/bin/gpbs ];then
>         /usr/local/bin/gpbs
> fi
> if [ -x /usr/local/bin/gdnc ];then
>         /usr/local/bin/gdnc
> fi
> wmaker &
> if [ -x /usr/local/bin/GWorkspace ];then
>         /usr/local/bin/make_services
>         /usr/local/bin/GWorkspace
> fi
> cheers,
> Sebastian

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