hmm, on Sun, Nov 27, 2005 at 02:15:27PM +0100, Jonathan Glaschke said that
> XHTML 1.1 must be shipped as application/xhtml+xml.  IE can't handle this
> and ask the user (or the "idiot", as you signature says ;) where to save this
> file.  That's not a real problem since you can use xhtml 1.0 but that
> shows how broken things are.


> I'm not against xhtml, but like easy things. Putting 100 divs in one
> file is no solution.

just one more thing.  i didn't say, it _should_ be xhtml/css.
i said: make it validate, and a bit of css does not hurt.

css can be used with 4.01 w/o problems.  and making pages
that have css but also set things for non-css browsers (background)
is quite normal (at least until everybody catches up in year 3014).

make it at least 1998 ;-)

honk if you love peace and quiet.

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