hmm, on Sun, Nov 27, 2005 at 04:04:02PM +0000, Simon Morgan said that
> Sime Ramov <hello <at>> writes:
> > Many programmers write code and think that it's the only thing that
> > matters. Well, web site of the product is also very important.
> Matters to who? Idiots who can't read man pages and are constantly
> polluting this mailing list with their idiotic ramblings? You sound

who decides what is idiotic?  you?

> Hackers like interesting problems. Pretty HTML and a nice website
> layout is not an interesting problem. Stop wasting peoples time
> with it. The website has its purpose and does a perfectly good
> job of serving it.

yeah, and as i said, that doesn't mean it has to hurt the eye.
making information nice and readable is not a sin.
pretty html and a nice website is maybe not interesting for
_you_ but nevertheless it is quite a challenge if you haven't

> > Also, *every* contribution is welcome, so in this case, you can
> > shut the f*uck up.
> You're not contributing anything.

if you are sent away right at the beginning, what's the point?
expressing an opinion is still a contribution.  without that,
openbsd would be much poorer.

i realize this thread brings nothing really new and annoys
the hell out of the devs.  but i think it's important that
the more "arty" people here get these questions answered
and be in the archives.

and i still don't understand why we have to be ashamed of
the openbsd site.  it is not a commercial product, but that
still doesn't mean it has to be ugly.   or at least valid
ugly html.

i am not a dictator.  it's just i have a grumpy face.

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