On 20-10-2014 01:53, Nicolas Haller wrote:
> I have a strange issue while trying to reconfigure my Soekris after
> the CompactFlash died.
> Here the picture. I have a dedicated FreeBSD server linked with my
> Soekris acting as my home gateway(which was running OpenBSD 4.0, and
> now running OpenBSD 5.5).
If you can, wait for November 1st for OpenBSD 5.6. It will be worth it.
> The both machines talked to each other through an OpenVPN tunnel with
> point-to-point tun interfaces. This part is working smoothly.
IIRC, you'll need to used bridge based, instead of routed based openvpn
connection. Just be aware that, depending on how you bridge your
interfaces, there will be a lot of broadcast and multicast traffic going
through it. You will probably need to block some of those and just allow
the OSPF traffic.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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