On 21-10-2014 06:53, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> Don't rule out bugs in the OpenVPN port on OpenBSD. Despite user requests
> for version updates and tweaks to the port there has been an almost
> lack of feedback when updates have been sent out for testing, so it's
> possible problems may have crept in, especially in less frequently used
> areas.
> I'm not sure how to remove OpenVPN from the equation whilst still using tun
> to test things (ssh has tun-forwarding, but it doesn't set the multicast
> flag on the interface, and might not handle multicast at all even if you
> did force the flag e.g. by running OpenVPN on the interface first to set
I successfully managed to get broadcast and multicast packets to work on
a bridged openvpn tunnel. But that was on OpenBSD 5.4. I didn't needed
it anymore, so I can't speak if the latest version works.
> I'd probably start by bumping up verbosity in OpenVPN config and try and
> track things down from that side..
This will help. I suggest the OP start with 5 and see if he can track
the issue.
> btw, the standard method for this is "multicast_host=YES" in rc.conf.local.
Nice, didn't knew this one. Thanks.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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