On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 11:04:28AM +0100, Christoph R. Murauer wrote:
> > You are a normal user and have full disk encryption. You must have
> > read the man page on how to do that?
> I was curious and asked my favourite search engine for *openbsd full
> disc encryption* and got results like
> http://www.bsdnow.tv/tutorials/fde, readed them and found the needed
> commands. Yes, after that I looked in the man page what the people
> there had done.
> > Found the installer option did you.
> Don't know, what you exactly mean.
> > I have read several books on openbsd and all the man pages I could
> > find and didn't find out how to do it anywhere else other that how to
> > webpages.
> Really, *Absolute OpenBSD - Unix for the practical paranoid, second
> edition* page 166 *Encrypted Disk Partitions*, page 167 the bioctl
> command including required switches.
> IMHO you wrote on 2015-12-21 (taken from marc.info) *I can do that. [
> ... ] Easy Peasy!* - the community and the developers will judge you
> based on your words. If you don't hold your promise, you have earned
> the virtual kick in the ass.
  I can't understand why anyone especially those who profess to
  have accomplished this or that in (C) Class or working towards a
  degree, assisting a professor or software engineer would suggest such
  non-sense. OpenBSD is the simpliest installer I've seen.

  If I want to do more beyond the standard install, post install
  information is easy to understand. I can re-install (about 3 min)
  and make the adjustments that I didn't think of earlier.

  A product of "common core"
  Hear Hear Scheeeeeeeeeeeez!
  Can someone put a fork in this subject!
  (dungeon quest) Ha!, I like it!

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