FWIW, the permission I seek is from my Legal department.  They want to ensure that 1) we don't use software having unacceptable licenses or in unacceptable ways, and 2) that the terms of all the copyrights are adhered to (e.g., reproducing attribution statements, etc.).

At this point, it appears that I'm going to need to use a script to analyze the entire source tree in order to generate a report. Fortunately, a colleague has such a script for FreeBSD that I hope to adapt.  I'll see if I can send the result here as well.

While I'm installing just a subset of src.tar.gz (base62, etc62, and man62), it appears from the responses here that it's not possible to isolate the source code for those parts.  I guess I'll run the script over the entire this and see what happens.

Thanks again,

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