On 30.1.2023 10:32, my25mb wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm sorry to nock the door of this mailing-list so unexpectedly! :-)
I'm now dealing with an hardware supplier of mine from Germany and
soon arise the problem that, yes, I want a new cheap minipc that I
lucky found.. but I can't test its compatibility with OpenBSD its
purchase from Italy, and it comes by a proprietary format by a certain
brand! Did you ever hear about that kind of problem?
So, with a little of "imaginationz" I searched Internet for an OpenBSD
live cd that I lucky found:
So, next question became: is it something I can trust and suggest to
my supplier?
I'm asking, if someone can grab the hint, if it is "phisible" to
have an official live stick/cd on openbsd.org to simplify "my"
relationship and existance with these mysterious hardware systems :-).
Thanks and good day to everyone.
Daniele BoniniPS: I guess the topic could be already proposed but
unfortunately I tried to check the FAQ without luck: page doesn't
exist error.

Your "problems" were described already in the past even in songs

Trying to support companies which continue with this practice is just
huge waste of money on your end and waste of time here.

Same as non-functional security by obscurity these companies try to
run business by obscurity. In long run that is a fail as well.

During all of this time and discussions you could have your own live CD
already for that company and people provided info how. It is even easier
then on Linux and so company which claims to have some support for Linux
is supposed to easily do that. BUT in reality it's like many of those
companies. They write about support of Windows/Linux on their HW while
in fact they do know nothing about Linux and Unix-like in general and
it is just by proprietary stuff in Linux kernel that their HW is running
it. Often with funny remarks on their pages like that Linux kernel 2.6.x
is supported and such :-)

Only Windows will simplify your relationships with such systems. And either
you accept it or not and then use some other HW. Focus on the
proper one which allows you to use it, learn it, code on it and so on.

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