On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, steve szmidt wrote:

> Over the years one gets used to some small things that makes life easier but 
> is only slowly catching up on OBSD. I'm curious as why this is. Is it that 
> real coders don't need some of them, or is it just something like a matter of 
> being a lower priority?

When we do not need things, they become low priority by itself. When
we do not want them, they get zero priority or active resistance. 

I won't go into details, others have covered them. But you'll have to
take into account the history. BSD systems exist for a long time.
Personally I learned Unix 22 years ago on a BSD system. I have some
expectations of a Unix system based on that experience. When I log
into a BSD system, I feel at home. When I log into a typical Linux
distro, I feel alienated. I will strongly resist changes that only
cater for certain users, who just ignore history and only know the
Linux way of doing things, and draw wrong conclusions from that. 


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