I have seen the following sort of remarks a couple of
times this past week, yet I haven't seen them corrected.
Nick Holland is such an excellent writer that, as often
as not, you don't need to look at the sample code to
follow his advice.  That's not relevant in this case,
except insofar as I cannot understand why more people
don't spend more time with the FAQ (especially those who
offer advice).

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 12:16:18PM -0500, bofh wrote:
> In UNIX, it is always recommended not to change root's shell.  This is
> because ...
> In free UNIX systems, it is also recommended for similar reasons ...

"... though there is no good reason not to in OpenBSD."

Let's save the rest of


for the curious reader.

(That said, I second recommendations to just use ksh.)

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