nixlists wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Marco Peereboom <> wrote:
>>> I specifically wrote above "When configured as documented." No admin
>>> will run a mail server with write-back cache enabled on either
>>> controller or drives (well, maybe with a battery back-up, but I'll say
>>> again that batteries fail too). You seem to be taking what I wrote out
>>> of context, or you are assuming that I am a moron who doesn't know the
>>> basics and run mail servers with write-back cache on controllers and
>>> drives.
>> No one disables WB cache for 2 reasons:
> Are you speaking for everybody? This is simply not true.
>> 1. They don't know how
> Unless I am missing something, this is not true... I disable it, It's
> right in my RAID controller's config.

you just proved Marco's point.
He was talking about the writeback on the drive, you talked about it
on the controller.  Fine, you disabled it on the controller.  Drive is
still doing write caching.  Maybe.  You don't really know.  What do you
think that 2M-16+M cache on the drive is doing?  How do you know?


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