On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 12:32 -0800, "Ben Calvert" <b...@flyingwalrus.net> wrote:

> Tracing this discussion back to it's origins  earlier this month, I see
> the
> problem as arising from a statement made by a Mathematician (DJB) about
> the
> infallibility of his software when used with certain filesystems.
> It is understandable for someone from a theoretical field (math) to
> assume
> that there exists such a thing as certainty in real life... but
> unacceptable
> in a software engineer.

Not sure it is correct to say that DJB is only theoretical. He wrote the SHA1 
code that won the Engineyard SHA1 contest. His code is 12 times faster than 
OpenSSL's SHA1. DJB has also written a lot of Unix utilities, some of which are 
controversial, nevertheless, he can write code.



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