On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 01:47:48AM +0000, FRLinux wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Kapetanakis Giannis
> <bil...@edu.physics.uoc.gr> wrote:
> > b) 10G Xenpack for C6500 costs around $25K if I'm not wrong.
> Err, the backplane cost us about 10.000 euros for the card and 2500
> euros per xenpack, and we have 4. So that sounds about right :)

You can get ix(4) with sfp+ interface that are 600E per dual port card
and about the same for SR optics modules and direct attached cables are way
cheaper. You can get a hell of a system for 20'000 Euros and that's just
the interface card of a 6500 and does not include the SUP and the chassis.
Sure the 6500 use HW for the switching but they suck at anything more

> > If future demands for more than 1G I will probably bond 1G cards (cheap
> > solution) or buy a new L2 10G switch to do the link as well as xenpacks for
> > the cisco.
> Bonding is not aggregating...
> Steph

:wq Claudio

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