On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Ray Cole wrote:

> With the same parameters as, I'm seeing terrible quality problems.
> Parameters used:
> mpeg2enc  -f 8 -q 5 -a 2 -g 6 -G 18 -E -10 -N 1.0 -z t -4 2 -2 2 -r 16 -o file.m2v

        Is it possible to have less that 200+ character lines? ;)

> I'm seeing very poor quality on still scenes.  Faces are very blotchy.  
> Now I also use yuvdenoise - I haven't made any determination as to whether 
> it is the newer mpeg2enc or newer yuvdenoise killing me, but it feels more 
> like an mpeg2enc issue more than anything else.  I also haven't tried using 
> -R 2 - that is certainly a major difference between 92 and 93.  I'll try 
> that as well.  Anyone else experienced a major decline in quality?

        Nope, in fact I encoded a 83 minute concert a little while ago
        and it looks fine.

        What are you using to do the playback?   Ogle?  Xine?  MPlayer?  
        Standalone player?

        With no B frames "-R 0", you will see problems with Ogle since it
        does not implement the DPME (Dual Prime Motion Estimation) - and errors
        will be logged in the window.   Apple's DVD player also appears to
        have a problem playing discs encoded with "-R 0".
        MPlayer had no trouble and the movie looked ok - I didn't see any

        I took the same DVD and played it on a Philips 724 player and it
        looked very good

        I'll give it another try and see if somehow I overlooked the

        Steven Schultz

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