> > mpeg2enc  -f 8 -q 5 -a 2 -g 6 -G 18 -E -10 -N 1.0 -z t -4 2 -2 2 -r 16 -o file.m2v
> > 
>       Is it possible to have less that 200+ character lines? ;)

It used to be longer :-)

>       What are you using to do the playback?   Ogle?  Xine?  MPlayer?  
>       Standalone player?

mplayer and 2 standalone players.  I haven't been able to reproduce it with other 
material.  The part of the scene giving the problem was a wall.  The wall was 
textured, had a lot of yellowish color to it (gee, I'm sure I'm being real descriptive 
here :-)  There were random rectangular blocks popping out as a much brighter yellow 
than the other colors in the wall.  The scene itself has virtually no movement.  The 
blocks would build to be extremely noticeable then 'disappear', then build back 
about...the cycle was about 1/2 a second, which given a GOP of 18 probably means it 
was disappearing on the I frames then progessively getting worse with the stack of P 

I wasn't near maximum bitrate during the scene.  It really is like there was some sort 
of rounding or floating point error getting progressively worse with each P frame that 
went away with the B frames.

Now...and this may make a big difference...since that recording I upgraded processors 
from an Athlon 1600 to an Ahtlon 2600 and rebuilt mpeg2enc.  The Athlon 2600 has 
mmxext, whereas the Athlon 1600 does not and I noticed mpeg2enc reports it is using 
mmx extended on my 2600 whereas it couldn't use it on my 1600...  That may well be the 
reason I can't reproduce it now.

One of the two standalone DVD players made it look a lot worse than my normal DVD 
player and mplayer.  Actually it was the TV on it - the contrast was turned up way too 
high on it.  But it was still noticeable on the other DVD player and on mplayer, and 
did go away using -R 2.

I realize a sample would be worth 1GB words...but unless I pop the old processor back 
in place (which I hate doing because the CPU fan is so darn difficult to get 
off/on...I hate the clip on it...) I don't think I'm going to be able to reproduce it.

-- Ray

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