Hello Steven, thanks for the mail

>       y4mscaler will of course convert to "420paldv" but I'm not sure that
>       the rest of the tool chain knows about '420paldv'.  Feeding 420paldv
>       into mpeg2enc is probably not the right thing to do - I think mpeg2enc
>       wants 420mpeg2.

Well I tend to do the following to get the reels under Kino :

(find . -name \*.pnm | xargs cat) | pnmtoy4m -F 25:1 | y4mdenoise  -I 0 | \ 
y4mscaler -v 0 -I active=YYYxYYY+AA+BB -S option=cubic -O infer=exact -O 
size=720x576 -O chromass=444 | y4munsharp | y4mtoppm | ppm2raw -v 0 -a -2\ > 

I found out that using the Edge Sense Bayer filter brings some anomalies as a 
kind of tartan pattern in (too) bright spots. The sinc:5 was ringing over it, 
so went for -S cubic in y4mscaler

>       ...terrible but  I do think all that resampling/conversion will exact
>       a price on the quality.

Sorry I don't get it... Don't forget that I denoise 1300*1100 ~ish frames 
before bringing them down to DV size.

>       Any particular reason you're converting to DV?  That's a lossy process.

Well, I have to do 2 things, swap images Lef to Right since I look directly 
into the projector gate, then I need to add extra frames for 25 fps. Most of 
the 8 mm are shot in 16.66 or 18 fps... I am using Fx in kino for that
Then I edit, remove the burnt frames, a bit of cleaning and use the export 
tab under kino. It is just practical

> > yuvdenoise -F -f | mpeg2enc -f 8 -4 2 -2 1 -r 16 -H -g 6 -G 15 -R 0 -D 10
>       No -q and no --cbr means that -q is defaulted to 8 - and that can be
>       quite blocky (especially if -H is used which can raise the number of
>       bits needed).

So you reckon I can boost it.. -q 6 is still blocky. Is it a linear scale ?

>       -H is probably not a good idea - the comment about that option makes
>       mention of high rate (and I don't think 7500 is considered "high")
>       I think you'd be much better off leaving out the -H and using
>       "-q 4".
Well I'd like to go over 7500 but I'd rather stick to something that a 
dvdstandalone player will not spit out.. 
But I will give it a go

>       Another thing to try is using "--cbr" instead of "-q" - that will
>       produce a constant bitrate (default 7500) and vary the effective 'q'
>       as needed to maintain the bitrate.

I thought --cbr was evil

>       Not using -q defaults to 8 unless you request constant bitrate. I think
>       it's going to be necessary to use -q ;)

It mostly happens on dark ~ish scenes.... I tried to add a bit of gain, it is 
better, but not THAt better.. Or am i over exigeant / inflexible ... don't 
know, getting older only...

Will try the options of --cbr or -q 4 without -H

I'll post some feed back on that...
Thanks again

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