Hello E.Chalaron,

I've just finished several improvements to the
"near-perfection" scripts I posted a few months
back, but haven't had time to write up my big
explanation.  I hope to get to that soon.*

>I tend to do the following to get the reels under
>Kino :
>(find .  -name \*.pnm | xargs cat) | pnmtoy4m -F
>25:1 | y4mdenoise -I 0 | \ y4mscaler -v 0 -I
>active=YYYxYYY+AA+BB -S option=cubic -O
>infer=exact -O size=720x576 -O chromass=444 |
>y4munsharp | y4mtoppm | ppm2raw -v 0 -a -2\ >

Clearly, kino needs to deal with other file
formats, such as lossless-compressed Quicktime
files.  I eliminated a lot of artifacts from my
video once I stopped using JPEG-compressed frames
generated by yuv2lav.  Rather surprising how
inaccurate JPEG really is.

I noticed you're using y4mdenoise with "-I 0", to
force it to deal with the video as progressive
frames, but the rest of the pipeline (y4mscaler,
y4munsharp, y4mtoppm, etc.) is presumably dealing
with interlaced video.  In my experience, that
will lead to grainy video.  Since your film source
is naturally progressive-frame, just keep it as
progressive-frame.  Use "yuvcorrect -v 0 -T
PROGRESSIVE" after pnmtoy4m to force this, and
only force it back to interlaced (if necessary)
right before mpeg2enc.

>Don't forget that I denoise 1300*1100 ~ish frames
>before bringing them down to DV size.

That's fine, but remember, mpeg2enc's motion
detection requires numerical equality.  With what
you're doing, you're likely to get something that
looks really good from a still-frame point of
view, but mpeg2enc won't produce efficient video
-- high motion scenes will look especially bad.

>yuvdenoise -F -f | mpeg2enc -f 8 -4 2 -2 1 -r 16
>-H -g 6 -G 15 -R 0 -D 10

I'm not sure how much yuvdenoise does to improve
numerical equality, but using y4mdenoise with very
low settings, e.g. "y4mdenoise -z 1 -t 1", with
your high-quality input, may work wonders.  I use
low settings like that all the time when
converting raw DVD video into VCD video -- I run
y4mdenoise after the downscale and before
mpeg2enc.  The VCDs look so good, it's almost not
worth it to make DVDs. :-)

Also, I wouldn't use "-H" -- as my video quality
improves, the times when "-H" helps seem to be
more and more seldom.  I'd recommend "-K kvcd"
instead.  Also...something else I've noticed as I
push my video quality higher...q values other than
1 seem to immediately lead to blockiness.  It's my
understanding that mpeg2enc will lower the
effective q value in order to deal with bitrate
limitations, so really you're only losing a bit of

>I'd like to go over 7500 but I'd rather stick to
>something that a dvdstandalone player will not
>spit out..

The absolute limit on video bitrate is 9800 kbps,
and the absolute limit on multiplexed audio/video
is 10080 kbps.  (These are salesman kbps...1 kbps
is 1000 bits here, not 1024 bits.)  My experience
shows that 9481 kbps video with 384 kbps audio
fits nicely into DVD players.  Don't be afraid to
try a high bitrate like that!

>It mostly happens on dark ~ish scenes....

ACK!  That's where most of my remaining artifacts
are -- in the almost-black areas of my video.  I
get lots of dancy topographical-like ridges.  I
haven't found a really good solution for it yet.

Hope this helps.

Steven Boswell
ulatekh at yahoo dot com

* More medical hassles in my household...this time,
it's my pet.

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