>       Ok.  I wonder - is ppm2raw creating 4:1:1 or 420paldv?

Should be PAL, as a -n option is required for NTSC

>       That's why there's a choice of scaling kernels - pick the right one
>       for the task.

Thanks to Matt, the further it goes the more I appreciate the work put into 
this project !

>       The thought I had was that going from 4:4:4 to 4:1:1 to 4:2:0 involves
>       2 resamplings of the chroma and resampling never improves quality.

No it is from  422 to 420. doesn't mpeg2enc encode in 420 ? I replaved the 
chromass 444 par 420 JPEG

>       Ah, ok. I thought perhaps you were doing the left to right swap as
>       the data was being captured or shortly after that.  At one time you
>       were thinking about using yuvfps to do the rate conversion or perhaps
>       writing a custom pulldown program.

Too complex to me, I am not a programmer at all ... Well I did a bit 15 years 
ago in Pascal...

>       The rate control seems to have improved in the cvs version of mpeg2enc
>       so I think you'd be fairly safe with 8000.  Not sure if it'd make much
>       difference.

Well most of the movies being mute I can trade off the audio bitrate and give 
more room to frames maybe.

>       I don't care for it but that doesn't make it evil ;)

the man mpeg2enc was .... explicit :-) 

>       It gives more predictable filesizes by allowing the encoder to
>       dynamically vary the effective -q.

Ok that is still an option then.

>       Two things I've found that really help a LOT with the blockiness in
>       dark scenese are 1) look at the data with a waveform monitor and
>       check the black levels - 

Well, Xavier Biquard wrote yuvcorrect that is spitting some data I might go 
back to him...

> if they are consistently higher than 16 then
>       'crush the blacks' slightly and 2) "desaturate the lows" - the human
>       eye does not see color well in the dark but the encoder does and the
>       blocks you see are a result of that.  Removing some of the color info
>       from darker areas works wonders.  For these types of things I use
>       Final Cut Pro.

-q 4 does certainly help a lot..... removing -H as well and Yuvcorrect may 
well be what I need to use.... for now.
Thanks again

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