Hello Giulio Cesare,

First: wow - your name is awesome :)

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 11:56, Giulio Cesare Solaroli
> I would like to ask if the new implementation is "currentWindow" aware
> or (like it seems form a quick look at the code) is still accessing
> directly the document object.
> I will try to make a few test case to see if I am doing something
> wrong with my current code or there is really a problem here.

I want the new implementation to be currentWindow aware (or rather
currentDocument) - and I tried to put the call in the right places.
However, I'm not entirely sure that Sizzle handles this correctly.
I.e. Sizzle might implicitly make the assumption that one is using
window.document in some places. I pointed this out to John and he
could not confirm either way, I think he means to have a look at it.

In the meantime, test-cases for this would be greatly appreciated. If
you find specific problems, please make a track issue and/or submit a
patch if you can.


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