> >BTW, if you remember that I've tried to create a new site about half a
> >year ago (the first snapshot is still there at stason.org/stas/modperl)
> >I've never made the second version :( It all went into
> >modperl.sourcegarden.org's design...
> Yes I remember, I would have helped back then (April) but I was way too
> busy crossing the Atlantic and the amount of unconstructive criticism
> unusual on this list probably didn't help get me more involved. Digging
> up in the archives, I have found the link to the Site::Builder source
> (http://www.singlesheaven.com/stas/modperl/src/builder.tar.gz , is it
> the right one ?) which I am now downloading. As for the site, well it
> has a few flaws but nothing worth flaming for and no project-killer.
> There are a few things which I quite like, I think we'll list those when
> time comes to actually design something. 
> Also, your input on what could be reused from your code would certainly be
> helpful.

After reworking the initial design based on the comments I've received,
the next version was release at SourceGarden see
http://modperl.sourcegarden.org/ - it's being created by Site::Builder -
you can retrieve it from the garden's Safari pet:


> One funny thing, back then people referred to the Guide as the "miniguide" :-)

It was "mini" then :)

> >Anyway, I've got about 40 emails with responds from people regarding the
> >above first release. just a part of them in he archive, I can send the
> >emails to you -- there are many good comments in there. 
> If you have anything that's not in the archives then I think those could
> help, any good comments help.

I've checked, all you need are in the archive, the personal posts were to
cheer me up :)

> >But while being flattered with having a Guide as part of the main menu,
> >this is unfair to other folks who wrote an invaluable documentation
> >(Vivek, Frank and other). While the Guide has integrated almost all of
> >them inside itself, I vote for having a 'Documentation' entry in the
> >main menu, with a sub menu, enlisting all the available documentation
> >there. YMMV... Thanks!
> Yes I totally agree. I had actually thought of that but I was just offering
> a design idea and no real categorisation so I stopped before I started
> looking for all available documentation. I meant neither offense nor praise
> (though I think there is much praise to be said about the mod_perl
> documentation as a whole, and making the "Books" entry plural was intentional).

No problem, I'm not trying to put you down, as it happened with me. Just
a suggestion.

I'm very excited about you picking the flag and actually doing the
redesign. Since modperl.sourcegarden.org is a sister site of
perl.apache.org, the two will be tighlty reconnected. We are going to
absorb some of the pages from the current mod_perl site. I'm talking about
3rd party modules, jobs, ISPs, success stories and other. We want to put
them into a DB with web admin interface, by using Jsmes' 'fresh'

Will be linked at http://modperl.sourcegarden.org/fresh/

You may see a beta version at: http://modperl.jamesmith.com/

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.singlesheaven.com/stas  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  www.singlesheaven.com/stas/TULARC
www.apache.org  & www.perl.com  == www.modperl.com  ||  perl.apache.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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