At 09:12 19/10/1999 +0200, Stas Bekman wrote:
>> We were planning to put a good deal of the stuff into a db too I think. I
>> guess it doesn't matter too much if we have duplicated content as long as
>> it is in sync. We will have to take into account what you are doing so that
>> we can cross-link whenever it makes sense.
>Of course it does matter not to have the stuff duplicated, since it's a
>nightmare to keep 2 things in sync, but why should we doing that? I don't
>see any reason... We wanted to do that to complement the current site, if
>you are going to do that anyway, there is no reason, why we wouldn't put
>our efforts to create other useful things...

Sorry, I tend to shorten what I think too much to say what I really think,
ah! if only we had lossless expression ;-) Yes of course it does matter if
we are duplicating the information *source*. What I meant to say is that if
the same information makes sense in two different contexts -- even very
close context -- then it doesn't matter if it is available in both (imho).

What I'm worried/thinking about is layout disparity. I think that
information pertaining to jobs or success stories needs to be present on
the mod_perl site. It would feel awkward to jump to another site for that,
even when both layouts are good if they are (too) different it looks messy.

So if that information is meaningful within and
within, mirroring the info in a database daily (or using
one source) really doesn't sound like a dreadful technical challenge to me.

But I must add to that that there is something within me that wishes to
speak against duplication, even if it doesn't become a technical nightmare.
However, it can't seem to find arguments to support itself. I am totally
open to discussion on this point.

>Anyway, let's stop talking about "you" and "we", we are all "we" :) No
>competition, only collaboration.

You'd expect competition to have crossed my mind and be rejected, but it
actually hasn't. I am very happy to learn that part of the job has been /
is being done. I think one important thing would be to decide what goes
into, what goes into and perhaps
what goes into both. Duplicating efforts would be of course stupid, and
drawing the line between site that intertwine and sites that truly overlap
can only help.

> James is working on this application,
>which is in pretty good stage (James?), why in the world would you want to
>write something else from scratch? James' tool will be able to index jobs,
>ISPs, application, modules whatever... So I think that the best idea would
>be to join James, and in a joint effort deliver it sooner, influencing on
>the way the final set of features... 

I totally agree.

>But as always, I might be wrong, so
>it's just an idea... I'm very delighted to know that you started to work
>on the new site and I'm in no way would try to stop or provide
>deconstructing thoughts :) 

I might be wrong too, otherwise I probably wouldn't bother discussing these
projects :-) Your thoughts are very far from deconstructive to say the
least, and I hope mine aren't either. If they sound like they are, I've
probably misexpressed myself.

Matt and I are working on an outline, we probably should share what we've got.

PS: maybe we should take this discussion to the mod-cvs list ?

Critic, n.: A person who boasts himself hard to please because nobody tries
to please him.

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