Hi there,

On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Tim Bunce wrote:

> I'd like to see a mode added to DBI::ProxyServer whereby a single
> server process serviced multiple clients in a round-robin manner.
> Obviously in this mode there's a risk of slow queries cloging up
> (blocking) the proxy, but for many applications it would still be
> very useful. Most significantly it would enable connect_cached to
> be used to implement a (kind-of) connection pool.
> I'm sure there must be someone out there willing to have a go at
> implementing it. It can't be that hard.

If it's not that hard, I volunteer to _have a look_ at it.  It looks
like the sort of thing I'm going to need to do if my plans don't kill
me in the execution.  But time is short, I'm new to mod_perl, I never 
did get very on with object orientation and I've never written an SQL
query.  Having said that, I'm completely comfortable with assembler, 
C and C++, perl, Btree/ISAM, screwing around in Unix and so on, so I 
can give it a go.

All I need is a reading list.

And - because I'm an Englishman - some time.

Kind regards,
Ged Haywood.

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