i am using embperl with cookies.
i also have this set in httpd.conf

PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_COOKIE_DOMAIN .genwax.com
PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_COOKIE_EXPIRES 'Friday, 31-Dec-2010 14:00:00 GMT'

how are you checking to make sure cookies are sent?
either telnet directly to the port and do a get

telnet www.domain.com 80
GET /path/to/page/with/embperl HTTP/1.0

that is two returns above,

or better

lwp-request -e 'http://www.domain.com/path/to/page/with/embperl|less

You should see a SET-COOKIE header.

cliff rayman

Andre Landwehr wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to use sessionmanagement via Apache::Session together
> with HTML::Embperl. As I understand from  the documentation I
> just need to configure a storing and a locking mechanism in
> httpd.conf to do so. After that I should be able to use the %udat
> hash to store session related data, HTML::Embperl::Session is
> supposed to do everything from creating a unique session-id to
> storing it in a cookie or retrieving that cookie again
> automatically.
> Unfortunately setting the cookie does not work for me. When I use
> %udat for the first time a session-id is created (which I checked
> with a simple "print %udat;"), but the cookie is not sent (and:
> yes, my Netscape is cookie-enabled...). This is the embperl
> related stuff from my httpd.conf:
> ------------------
> AddType text/html .epl
> SetEnv EMBPERL_DEBUG 10477
> SetEnv EMBPERL_VIRTLOG /perldebug
> # optRawInput + optRedirectStdout
> # Session management
> PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_SESSION_CLASSES "MemoryStore NullLocker"
> PerlModule HTML::Embperl
> <Location /perldebug>
>         SetHandler perl-script
>         PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
>         Options ExecCGI
> </Location>
> <Files *.epl>
>         SetHandler perl-script
>         PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
>         Options     ExecCGI
> </Files>
> -------------------
> I use the following versions:
> Apache_1.3.9
> Apache-Session-1.04
> HTML-Embperl-1.2.1
> libwww-perl-5.43
> URI-1.02
> HTML-Parser-2.23
> I would be happy if someone could help me with that since I have tried
> for two days everytime with the same result, which gets quite
> depressing by now ;-)
> Btw: To my mind Embperl is really great! I ported a site from PHP to
> Embperl recently and gained about 80% speed with that, due to
> faster database access
> Take care,
> Andre
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

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