> I don't know what squid's buffer is like, but back in apache
> 1.3.4, the proxy buffer IOBUFSIZE was #defined to 8192 bytes,
> which would be used in proxy_util.c:ap_proxy_send_fb() to loop
> over content being proxy passed in 8K chunks, passing that
> on to the client.
> So if all the web files are <8K, perfect, but I'd suggest
> increasing the value that ap_proxy_send_fb uses to buffer
> to the largest size output commonly sent by the mod_perl server.
> If this is done, then apache's mod_proxy can be used as
> effectively as squid to buffer output from a mod_perl server.
I have seen this in the source too, that's why I wrote it will not work with
Apache, because most pages will be greater the 8K. Patching Apache, is one
possibility, that's right, but I just looked after the
ProxyReceiveBufferSize which Oleg pointed to, and this one sets the socket
options and therefore should do the same job (as far as the OS supports it).
Look at proxy_http.c line 263 (Apache 1.3.9):

        if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,
                       (const char *) &conf->recv_buffer_size, sizeof(int))

I am not an expert in socket programming, but the setsockopt man page on my
Linux says: "The system places an absolut limit on these values", but
doesn't says where this limit will be?


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