>>>>> "GR" == Gerald Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Lately I've been using apache on the front end with mod_rewrite and
>> mod_proxy to send mod_perl-required page requests to the heavy back

GR> Do you know how does this work with slow clients compared to
GR> squid. I always thought (but never tried) one benfit of squid is,
GR> that it temporaly caches (should be better say buffers?) the

Squid does indeed cache and buffer the output like you describe.  I
don't know if Apache does so, but in practice, it has not been an
issue for my site, which is quite busy (about 700k pages per month).

I think if you can avoid hitting a mod_perl server for the images,
you've won more than half the battle, especially on a graphically
intensive site.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Rockville, MD       +1-301-545-6996
PGP & MIME spoken here            http://www.kciLink.com/home/khera/

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