On Thu, 18 May 2000, Drew Taylor wrote:

> No, my /CURRENT/ setup uses CGI.pm. I want to eliminate
> it entirely in this new module, while not having to
> change any of my existing application code. I would like
> to not change any lines like the ones above when
> switching to the new module.

ah, ok. bumming.

i suggest that instead of subclassing Apache::Request, you
write the following set of classes:

1) html widget class
2) sticky forms class - use html widget class, take $r or $q
   as param
3) "wrapper" class - gives you the CGI.pm interface, uses
   sticky forms class, takes $r or $q as param

this would give us the best of both worlds: you get a
plug-in replacement for CGI.pm, we get a set of classes that
aren't tightly coupled to each other. by keeping the sticky
forms class and wrapper class separate, you allow people who
just want sticky forms to get that, and people who want the
whole ungodly CGI.pm interface to get that.

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