On Thu, 18 May 2000, Drew Taylor wrote:

> What do you define the difference to be between #1 and
> #2? All I need is sticky forms - primarily the
> popup_menu(). If HTML widgets are b(), td(), etc, then
> we didn't plan on creating those. Forms is the main
> point of this module.

well the function that creates a popup menu is different
than the function that enables stickiness for a particular
instance of a popup menu. how's this for pseudo code:


package FormWidget;

sub popup_menu
    # generate the html for a popup menu

package StickyForm;

my $pm1 = FormWidget::popup_menu('pm1', $r->param('pm1'));
my $pm2 = FormWidget::popup_menu('pm2', $r->param('pm2'));


obviously there is a lot more to making forms sticky than
that. but you get the gist of the general separation of

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