brian moseley wrote:
> i suggest that instead of subclassing Apache::Request, you
> write the following set of classes:
> 1) html widget class
> 2) sticky forms class - use html widget class, take $r or $q
>    as param
> 3) "wrapper" class - gives you the interface, uses
>    sticky forms class, takes $r or $q as param
What do you define the difference to be between #1 and #2? All I need is
sticky forms - primarily the popup_menu(). If HTML widgets are b(),
td(), etc, then we didn't plan on creating those. Forms is the main
point of this module.

> this would give us the best of both worlds: you get a
> plug-in replacement for, we get a set of classes that
> aren't tightly coupled to each other. by keeping the sticky
> forms class and wrapper class separate, you allow people who
> just want sticky forms to get that, and people who want the
> whole ungodly interface to get that.
Now that makes sense, in that it is more generic in nature. After all, I
would hope that this will be a useful module to many people, not just
Peter and I. When we get some time, Peter and I should sit down and try
to come up with a v.01 API. Of course, all thoughts would be welcome.

The whole module is beginning to coalesce more in my mind after all this
discussion. :-)

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704 370 0550

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