
I'm trying to install mod_perl 1.24 with Stronghold 3. I know stronghold
comes with mod_perl 1.22, but I want to use 1.24. So I'm trying to follow
Stas Bekman's instructions for installing mod_perl with Stronghold. He says
"edit /ServerRoot/src/modules/perl/Makefile and uncomment APACHE_SSL
directive". But in that file, this directive is not assigned anything at
all. It's like : APACHE_SSL = 
What value am I supposed to assign to this?
He also says install Stronghold without mod_perl, but I can't figure out
how to do that. Any inputs on how I can do this?

Apart from this, 'make' goes through fine. But when I run 'make test', I'm
getting some errors that don't make much sense to me. 

Syntax error on line 62 of /mnt/netapp/pramod/mod_perl-1.24/t/conf/httpd.conf:
Can't locate ExtUtils/testlib.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/mnt/netapp/pramod/mod_perl-1.24/t/lib/perl) at
/mnt/netapp/pramod/mod_perl-1.24/t//docs/startup.pl line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/mnt/netapp/pramod/mod_perl-1.24/t//docs/startup.pl line 9.
/usr/local/bin/perl t/TEST 0
still waiting for server to warm up...............not ok
server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.
*** Error code 9
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `run_tests'

What I'm not able to understand is, how is @INC being set to the above? I
looked in the whole of Stronghold and mod_perl-1.24 directories. The above
/export/home/build/.... is a non-existent directory and it obviously

I'm completely stuck with this since last evening. I tried a lot of
experiments meddling with lot of stuff, but to no avail. Stronghold support
hasn't responded to any of my emails either.
Can somebody please help me with this?

John, since you are using Stronghold, would you have any inputs on this?


At 11:10 AM 7/7/00 -0700, John Armstrong wrote:
>We use stronghold here and its great. Our configuration handles like this :
>Stronghold : Handles Port 80 and 443 requests. It then Reverse 
>Proxies dynamic content back to the mod perl servers.
>I've used stronghold in 3 or 4 high demand apps and its a fantastic 
>low cost solution. However, we are starting moving to more hardware 
>based solutions and away from stronghold.
>John Armstrong
>At 11:01 AM -0700 7/7/00, Pramod Sokke wrote:
>>Has anybody used stronghold? I'm considering using stronghold for SSL
>>support since ours is a commercial application. Would mod_perl and all
>>related modules work as fine with Stronghold as with plain Apache?
>>At 10:24 AM 7/7/00 -0400, Vivek Khera wrote:
>> >>>>>> "PS" == Pramod Sokke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >
>> >PS> We are running Netscape Enterprise server with cgis written in perl
>>and C.
>> >PS> I'm looking at moving over to Apache and start using mod_perl. How
>> > [ .. ]
>> >PS> over to Apache/mod_perl going to be a simple plug-in or would it
>> >PS> re-writing lots of stuff?
>> >
>> >The C stuff will probably not be worth rewriting, but that depends on
>> >what it does.
>> >
>> >The perl stuff will need to be "cleaned" if it is sloppy code.  That
>> >is, if it is clean running in Perl under "-w" and "use strict" you're
>> >most likely going to have little difficulty with them.
>> >
>> >But what you should do is use the two-server performance enhancement
>> >(using mod_proxy and mod_rewrite) and have your legacy apps run on the
>> >front-end server, and then migrate your perl to the mod_perl backend
>> >one at a time.
>> >
>> >--
>> >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> >Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                Khera Communications, Inc.
>> >Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Rockville, MD       +1-301-545-6996
>> >GPG & MIME spoken here            http://www.khera.org/~vivek/
>> >

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