Thanks a lot! I finally got everything setup and to work. Of course, I
didn't even attempt 'make test' again, but I know for sure that things are
working fine, at least the initial few things.
Thanks again!

At 03:02 PM 7/27/00 -0700, Carl Hansen wrote:
>On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 02:05:22PM -0700, Carl Hansen wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 12:02:42PM -0700, Pramod Sokke wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > 
>> > I'm trying to install mod_perl 1.24 with Stronghold 3. I know stronghold
>> > comes with mod_perl 1.22, but I want to use 1.24....
>> same here. I don't know why stronghold can't get up to date, or give better
>> instructions on doing the recompilation. But anyway, I was able to
compile it;
>> if anything, there are TOO MANY directions, all giving different advice.
>> Here is some more:
>> what i did was install stronghold via their script into
>> then
>> cd /export/home
>> zcat mod_perl-1.24.tar.gz | tar xvf -
>> cd mod_perl-1.24 
>> perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../strongholdtest/src/ DO_HTTPD=1
>> make
>> Note well USE_APACI=0 ie dont use it. Stronghold seems to be set up to
build using
>> the older system. You may have to go into ../strongholdtest/src/ and
make sure
>> Configuration is the way you want it.
>one thing I forgot to mention.
>in ../strongholdtest/src/Configuration
>edit these lines:
>-I/export/home/strongholdtest/perl/lib/site -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts`
>-I/export/home/strongholdtest/perl/lib/site -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts`
-Lmodules/extra -L../modules/extra -lm
>EXTRA_CFLAGS=` -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts`
>EXTRA_LIBS=` -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts` -Lmodules/extra
-L../modules/extra -lm
>ie remove references to their unwanted perl installation
>> The other complication is that Stronghold comes with an installation of
perl in it's
>> own directories. I didn't want to use theirs. Look in bin. They have a
wrapper script
>> 'shperl' which just points to their version. I edited it to point to the
right version.
>Carl Hansen
>, Inc.
>510 841 6400 x 117

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