Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> One book I would highly recommend on CVS is Open Source Development with
> CVS by Karl Franz Fogel. I found it to be not only highly informative but
> an incredibly fun read as well. Each of the semi-dry CVS chapters is
> followed up by a fun anecdotal chapter about open source development
> processes and how and why they work (esp focusing if possible on how CVS
> helps that process).
> I've also found it to be a better "advanced" reference than any of the CVS
> documentation I have. Somehow it just "feels" indexed better. I own no
> stock in Coriolis Books by the way. :)

I have read most of this book, and I agree that it is very well done. I
was a total newbie at CVS, and now I can do everything I need on a daily
basis. I still don't understand tags very well, but I haven't studied
that part of the book much.

> Stas does make the source available to the guide generator. Download the
> guide from CPAN and poke around the distribution... :)
> We've been using it to do ALL our extropia documentation for 2 months now
> (actually we use a modified older version, and am waiting to get some time
> to upgrade since Stas has done many improvements).
> Does this format look familiar (albeit a little old)?
> It's really awesome. I generate standalone HTML for standalone distribution
> of scripts, HTML docs that integrate into the look and feel of our website,
> and PDF within seconds each time we make a change. :)

Sounds very cool! I like doing several steps at once. I think I'll fire
up the old CPAN module later today and grab the latest guide

> >Drew, if this all sounds like too much trouble for the first draft and you
> >already started in HTML, I'd say just finish that up and we'll distill it
> >into POD later.  (html2pod?)
> Could be. Although, HTML is a pain in the ass to add onto anyway. It's a
> lot easier to see differences between versions of docs in POD than in HTML
> where you have all the formatting tags that interfere with reading diffs.

No kidding#!@ :-)

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704 370 0550

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