On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 12:40:47 -0800 (PST), brian moseley wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> > Each has its advantages.  Perl is good for real
> > programmers who are going to write code to actually
> > solve a problem.  Java is good for monkeys who think
> > that buying a $100k app server and tweaking it via a
> > monolithic API will give them what they want.
> c'mon dude, offer something constructive to the thread or
> stay out of it.

Except that he's absolutely right.

I have personal experience -- my company is ripping out its elegant
mod_perl based architecture and replacing it with *cough* the
j-word *cough*.

mod_perl is the superior technology, hands down. This is coming from
someone who's an avowed perl hater, too. I loathe perl itself, but
have to admit that mod_perl, when you compare it to the alternatives
in the dynamic-web-content space, just plain rules.

Just one example... my company ran into a bug in mod_perl a while ago...
so what did we do? we fixed it, and submitted a patch. If we'd been
using the J-word, we'd have been stuck. Tell me one big-name app server
that's written in C and that'll let you download the source and fix

<disney gratuitous="yes">
Kinda hard to laugh hangin' there in one o' them "virtual machines", Rob...

         (this message comes guaranteed to offend absolutely everybody in
         some fashion or other)

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