* Ben Cottrell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [001205 18:15]:
> ...
> Just one example... my company ran into a bug in mod_perl a while ago...
> so what did we do? we fixed it, and submitted a patch. If we'd been
> using the J-word, we'd have been stuck. Tell me one big-name app server
> that's written in C and that'll let you download the source and fix
> bugs.

Hi Ben,

Well, you could always use one of the open-source Java application
servers (among others):

 JBoss: http://www.jboss.org/
 JOnAS: http://www.evidian.com/jonas/
 (Future) OpenEJB: http://www.exolab.org/

Along with the open-source Servlet/JSP/Web Engine servers (among

 Apache Tomcat: http://jakarta.apache.org/
 Jetty: http://jetty.mortbay.com/

'Java' and 'open-source' are not mutually exclusive :-)

This whole discussion has been extremely timely for me since I just
left a position doing 100% Perl -- mostly mod_perl, building a web
application environment at http://www.openinteract.org/ which won't be
formally announced until January -- for one doing mostly Java web

I wasn't sure exactly what I'd find, but what I've come across matches
more with what Brian has been saying than what Dave said in his (IMO)
rude dismissal of Java programmers. Java has the advantage of a
well-funded company behind it to put out consistent and generally well
thought out APIs and products. The whole Enterprise Javabean and J2EE
environment is maturing rapidly and allows you to build complicated
applications very quickly. 

And the perception out there, unlike with mod_perl, is that you don't
need to be a wizard to build such applications. Maybe that's because
there are more books, maybe that's because of the marketing machine,
maybe that's because IDEs will give you some hand-holding along the
way -- I dunno. 

One of the things that's surprised me the most is the amount and
quality of open-source Java software available. I had the idea that
Java was more "corporate" and wouldn't attract OS people like Perl or
C (or Python or...). In fact, some software packages (like various
regex engines) are meant to fill gaps that people find when they use
Java from a background of using Perl.

Oh well. It's late and my brain is all mushy from learning this Java
stuff :-)


Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.

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