martin langhoff wrote:
> I wonder how do those hardcore guys that develop using handlers debug.
> Mhhh. They must write 'perlfect' code, I guess, and/or understand those
> cryptic debuggers ...
Actually, debugging handlers is pretty easy. Just run httpd with the -X flag
to make it single process, and use Apache::DB to get mod_perl to run under
the debugger. Get Apache::DB from CPAN

  perl -MCPAN -e 'install Apache::DB'

and read its docs

  perldoc Apache::DB

When Apache hits your Perl code, you are dropped into the standard Perl
debugger. Although typing '?' at the debug prompt shows a bewildering array
of options, you can do a lot by knowing:

 n - Step over
 s - Step into
 x <expr> - Print the value of <expr>
 w - Show a few lines either side of the current one
 b <sub> - break at <sub>
 c - continue (stop debugging)
 c <line#> - continue, and break at <line#>


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